May 16, 2024


Create a structured study schedule with regular breaks. Efficient time management can reduce stress and combat procrastination.

Competitive tests can prove highly challenging and difficult, frequently impacting the psychological well-being of students. Stress, sadness, and various other psychological conditions may arise from the desire to perform well, in addition to extended study hours and the dread of failure or even suicide. Feelings of nervousness, tension, sky-high expectations, lack of confidence, inadequate preparation, and overwhelming excitement are just a few emotional challenges students face.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), there was a record year for student suicides, with about 13, 000 undergraduates attempting suicide in 2021. A 2022 survey by NCERT found that 81% of students in classes 9 to 12 suffer from anxiety related to studies and exams. This alarming issue demands attention and action, as nothing comes before students’ mental health.

Limited access to mental health support

One of the most pressing concerns is limited access to mental health services. According to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), only 10% of students can access these crucial services. Surprisingly, despite 78% of students facing competitive exams experiencing anxiety and depression, only 12% seek professional help.

Prioritizing mental health during exam preparation

1. Create a structured study schedule with regular breaks. Efficient time management can reduce stress and combat procrastination.

2. Ensure you get adequate and balanced sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to a range of problems, including impaired concentration.

3. Meditation can improve your mental health and quality of life.

4. Dedicate 10-15 minutes of recreational activity every 2 hours of study to relax your mind.

5. Ensure to consume a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals like leafy greens, eggs, fish, and nuts are excellent sources of nutrients that support healthy hair.

6. Maintain a social support system by spending time with friends and family.

7. Acknowledge that setbacks and mistakes as part of the learning process

Mental well-being can vary depending on a variety of conditions, and it can be improved by taking even the simplest measures by family members, children, and relatives. Emphasizing mental well-being is crucial for maintaining equilibrium and tranquility while fulfilling all roles to their fullest extent. However, it is imperative to consult an expert for specific health needs.

(Dr. Mukesh Batra, Padmashree Recipient, Founder & Chairman Emeritus, Dr. Batra’s Healthcare)

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